
[My name is Tierney Majestic. I’m thirteen years old, a freshman in Minor Academy, and a few years ago, my life ended when a band of thugs broke into my family’s home and killed everyone.

A burglary gone wrong was what the media called it.

But what they were after was the reason I couldn’t go home anymore. It’s the reason I’m being hunted.

I’ve lived these past few years on the run, always looking over my shoulder, never knowing who I can trust.

Recently, they caught up with me in London, killed the Scotland Yard Agents who were protecting me, and over a hundred innocent civilians who were just going about their business.

So, I was returned to America and charged to a federal agent there. My name was changed again, and I was, once more, given a new identity and hidden from the people who are hunting me. People who either want me dead because of what they think I know or want the knowledge they believe I possess.

It was upon my return that I met them, the infuriating children of the American agent handling my case. They aren’t what they appear to be, which is to say they aren’t human. I’ve recently discovered they have secrets of their own, and their secrets may be as dangerous as the one I’m keeping.]


β€’ Ρïз β€’ β€’History Is Made, The World Is Changed, & The Future Is Influenced By β€’FREAKSβ€’ β€’RISKβ€’TAKERSβ€’ β€’TROUBLEβ€’MAKERSβ€’ β€’LATERALβ€’THINKERSβ€’ & β€’RULE BREAKERSβ€’ β€’ Ρïз β€’

~Somewhere In The Near Future~




-First Journal Log-

I thrived on stories of magic.

The stories my father used to tell us before bed.

The same stories his father had told him.

Stories that had been passed down through the generations.

My father would tell us tales of Sorcerors and Dragons, Unicorns and Pterolycuses, Gryphones, and Pegasuses, and other such magical beings like they were real creatures. He filled our minds with magical tales of a world before……

Way back in the Old World, when magic was real, and the whole planet was connected, when people were thriving, not simply surviving. Way back when they still had time to change……

Before time ran out…

The world has changed drastically since those times……

Which is to say the world ended and began again…

I guess we humans had it coming, though. They warned us about pollution. They warned us about climate change. They told us repeatedly we had to change now before it was too late. But we didn’t listen. We never listen.

We are creatures of habit, and habits are sometimes hard to break.

I guess the world had to end before we realized we had to change.

And that’s where it began, again.

With volcanic eruptions, massive earthquakes toppling major cities, hurricanes and tornadoes, no sunlight for the volcanic smoke, and our satellites falling out of the sky. With us effectively cut off from the rest of the world as chaos ensued.

Have you ever seen people in mass panic during a catastrophe? You’d think they’d help each other out, but you’d be wrong. Human nature during devastation is as selfish and self-serving as it is during times of peace and plenty. Sometimes, more so. They trample each other, steal from each other, burn each other’s homes down, kill each other, rape each other…. it’s horrible.

But that’s what our history consists of according to what we learn in school.

In the ensuing chaos, the Global Government was formed. One of the first things required of the survivors was restitution. If you stole, killed, raped, or otherwise harmed your fellow man, restitution was owed and paid to the victims. It was non-negotiable. If you didn’t pay restitution, you were subject to the new laws which wouldn’t abide criminal actions against your brothers and sisters, or your fellow humans. Essentially, you either paid restitution, or you were put to death.

Many died in those days.

But out of the ashes we rose again.

Still unable to receive sunlight or communicate with other countries, we created the MirrorLites. They’re the Planetary Satellites that look like mirrors which reflect the sunlight down to the planet, effectively putting an end to the Darkness and the Freeze. The Freeze was the result of the volcanic smoke and toxins which blocked out the sunlight turning our planet into a frozen and toxic wasteland.The terraforming allowed us to create eco-friendly / nature cooperative plants which began cleaning up the earth.

And we became a Habitat Earth, trying to undo the damage our predecessors did.

But as I said, humans are creatures of habit. And being such, change is never easy. Even when it’s a necessity.

So, change we did.
